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Countdown for Automotive Industry, International Automotive Engineering Conference (IAEC) 2024!

Prof. Dr. Aytül Erçil will be the Conference Chair of IAEC!


OİB (Uludağ Automotive Industry Exporters’ Association, Türkiye), OSD (Automotive Manufacturers Association, Türkiye), TAYSAD (Automotive Suppliers Association, Türkiye) and OTEP (Automotive Technology Platform, Türkiye) have teamed up to organize the 9th IAEC- International Automotive Engineering Conference, IAEC’24 will be held by live attendance in Bilişim Vadisi Kocaeli / Türkiye on 7th and 8th of November 2024 in cooperation with SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers).


Automotive Industry, as one of Türkiye’s leading industries with remarkable impact on the economy, is targeting to;


Develop engineering, R&D and innovation capability

Foster cooperation between universities and the industry,

Encourage the utilization of alternative resources through engineering companies at national and international level, to increase product development and innovation capability.

The educational and developmental output that run parallel to the aforementioned needs are necessary for both research and engineering teams. Based on this purpose and necessity, IAEC is planning to guide R&D and engineering output in the industry, perception management, and information-sharing.

The main theme of the conference will be latest developments in automotiv industry  with a focus on  "Smart Mobility", "Artifical İntelligence", "Alternative Fuels", "Digital Transformation in Production" while we will also talk about start-up business models and talents that inspire the automotive industry!