Prof. Dr. Mustafa İlhan Gökler

Chairman of OTEP Digital Transformation Working Group

Prof. Dr. Mustafa İlhan Gökler holds B.Sc. degree from Mechanical Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey and Ph.D. degree from Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Birmingham, UK. After earning his Ph.D., he began his academic career at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University, where he served for nearly 40 years, achieving the title of Professor in 1998 and retiring in January 2023. His research interests are “Digital Transformation”, “Automotive”, “Vehicle Safety”, “Manufacturing”, “Forging” and “Metal Forming”. He has supervised more than 90 graduate studies. Prof. Dr. Gökler was the head of METU-BILTIR Research and Application Center between 1999 and 2023 and founded METU-BILTIR Center Vehicle Safety Unit Sled Test Facility in 2009.

Prof. Gökler is the founding member of DÖVSADER-Turkey Forgers’ Association, MATİM-Machine Design and Production Society of Turkey and AUSDER- Association of Intelligent Transportation Systems of Turkey.

Prof. Gökler was the founder of METU-BILTIR Center Digital Transformation Platform in 2016. He leaded in putting the vision and conceptual structure of “METU-DTX DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AND INNOVATION CENTER” EU IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance) Project and he was the Coordination Unit Director of this project till his retirement.

Prof. Gökler was Conference Chair of IAEC’17. He was the Co-Chair of DTSS 2018 and DTSS 2019 International Conference and Exhibition on Digital Transformation and Smart Systems.

He has been the chair of OTEP-Automotive Technology Platform Digital Transformation Working Group since 2017.